TAMPA, Fla.—Hala A. Sandridge, shareholder with Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney and chair of the firm’s Appellate Practice Group, has become a Fellow with the Litigation Counsel of America – an invitation-only trial lawyer honorary society established to reflect the new face of the American Bar. Membership is limited to 3,500 Fellows representing less than one-half of one percent of American lawyers.
Sandridge was selected and invited into the Fellowship after being evaluated for effectiveness and accomplishment in appellate litigation, along with ethical reputation.
“We are delighted that the Litigation Counsel of America has recognized Hala for her extraordinary abilities, her dedication to the profession of law and her unwavering reputation,” said Rhea F. Law, chair of the Florida offices for Buchanan. “She is a credit to both the Counsel and our firm.”
Sandridge joins five other Buchanan attorneys who were previously named Fellows. They include Cathy J. Beveridge, Steven E. Bizar, Gerald E. Burns, John D. Emmanuel and Todd R. Walters.
Sandridge, who has more than 30 years of appellate experience, focuses her practice on all facets of civil appeals and has handled hundreds of appeals in both state and federal appellate courts. She is Board Certified in Appellate Practice, a member of the firm’s Board of Directors and chair of the firm’s Appellate Practice Group. She also serves as co-office Head of Buchanan’s Tampa office.
Sandridge earned her J.D. from Florida State University College of Law and her bachelor’s degree from the University of Florida.
About the Firm
Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC (www.bipc.com) brings true partnership to our clients. We understand the service and partnership attributes our clients most value and have formalized a model for consistently achieving them. The firm has more than 530 attorneys and government relations professionals practicing throughout the United States, with offices in 19 cities in California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Washington, D.C.
Laura Burns
Account Director
Office: 954-370-8999
Cell: 617-921-5969
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